The Veterinarian career is such a beautiful profession; and for many, I think that the biggest thing is that it's like a childhood dream, so I'm really very happy studying that (I like the childhood's stuff). But really, I'm studying vet because I want to improve the animal's medicine, because I think that it's not the best in the way that it doesn't cares about all the animal's problems and diseases, so I want to help and fix it. I want to help the animals for they could have a better life quality, and even in the worst case, when they could pass away by a disease, I want to make possible to say the real reason of the death of the animal. Actually, a real problem -that I lived painfully- is that there's not a real way to know the cause of a death, because when a necropsy is made in an animal, it just can say why the animal died, but not what caused the animal's death, and it's a terrible situation, because if somebody is the responsible of an animal's disease, you have not proves to blame on this person and then sue him/her.
Well, I'm not so negative at all. I'm studying vet because I really love the animals and this is the main reason of that I'm studying vet, I love animals and enjoy with them playing and watching the growing up. I love puppies, adult dogs, horses, some cats, hamsters and animals that you can touch and watch them playing and say "aaaaaaaawww" (like when a puppy does poop on the rug).
Well, that's all for this time, hope you share this opinion with me, so we can do this career even more beautiful. Bye!P.S: The dogs in the picture are Niki (left) and Puppo (right) they was poisoned by a neihbor...I can't sue him because no one can say they were poisoned on purpose.